Civic muscle describes a citizen-centered democracy, where citizens themselves, viewed as agents of change and not mere voters, assume much of the responsibility for the quality of our public life.
Houellebecq describe those aspects of our world that swarm us now, beleaguer us, pen us in. They are the products of a world suffused with technology, and of the attendant detachability of human relations. They condition the warp and woof of our social fabric.
While there are so-called “flyover” states, there is also a “flyover” state of mind. A road trip can help us leave that behind.
Evans, GA. Christian authors have been proclaiming the death of Christendom since at least 1989, when Stanley Hauerwas and William H. Willimon...
猫和老鼠-少儿-腾讯视频:2021-6-13 · 这个机灵老鼠与笨猫的故事,堪与米老鼠和唐老鸭的故事相媲美。没有动物世界中恃强凌弱的残酷,只有两个邻居之间的日常琐事和纷争,诸如小老鼠杰瑞偷吃了汤姆的奶酪,汤姆把捕鼠器放到了杰里的洞门口等等,中间穿插的无数恶作剧和幽默片断,让人感受到久违的天真快意。
Before I begin to complain about the shortened season, the lack of travel to the usual hubs, the lack of live fanhood, it might be well to remember those who loved baseball with extraordinary intensity, yet for whom no season of major league baseball ever opened up its bounty.
What strikes me overall about The Slumbering Host is the open-heartedness, hopefulness, and steadfastness of the editors’ approach and selection. This is a collection that is true to itself and knows its own mind and plays its own music.
怎么查看朋友圈是否被屏蔽-百度经验:2021-12-5 · tom 不追猫 作者的经验 怎样算是高血压?高血压知多少 分割药片的好方法,切药器怎么用 得了心脏病怎么办?如何保护心脏 • • • 如要投诉,请到 ...
The Allure of Old Tools and Vintage Machinery: Memory, Meaning, and Making
Building or re-building things taps into deep and elemental desires embedded in the human experience that in some shadowed sense mimic the Creator.
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News and Notes
Tech Monopolies, Church Forests, and Publish and Perish
Cooperatives, Lasch’s Prescience, and Political Wisdom
Left Conservatism, Public Lands, and Flannery O’Connor
No 2024 Conference, but Maybe a Local Porch
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In the wake of a series of catastrophes in the course of recent years - the financial crisis and the Great Recession; the Gulf...
This is, at last, the last chapter of my new book, Equity and Equilibrium: The Political Economy of Distributism. I post...
Voices Against Progress: What I Learned from Genovese, Lasch, and Bradford
The following is excerpted from Paul Gottfried's Encounters: My Life with Nixon, Marcuse, and Other Friends and...